Testimony to Laurene!

Laurene is gifted in the art of heart openness. With her natural sense of ease, she is able to disarm any situation and make you feel at relaxed and at home. Her humanness shines through in each moment, and her well-developed intuition is able to zero in on all conditions caused by the mind, helping you to replace them instead with the transparency of light. Laurene is able to help you to cut to the chase, in the most loving way possible, and to move forward eloquently, without even knowing that you are doing work! As a practitioner, I would recommend Laurene to anyone who is seeking truth and a better way to travel. She will help you to get there by lovingly accepting you for who you are, which you in turn, will learn how to do also. Thank you, Laurene, for helping me to navigate and simplify my life, and for exposing me to such meaningful practices of healing! – LC

Laurene is so bang on in her sessions! I feel totally at ease each time to give myself into her healing hands. She is extremely intuitive and incredibly patient and can help shift energy to the core. I absolutely love receiving sessions from Laurene , as every experience is always one of pure delight. I always feel connected and at peace after her sessions.  I’m so grateful for her.  - CR

Last night while I was going to bed I felt my heart releasing and it felt to me like self doubt and insecurities.  It was interesting this morning to listen to your recording of my session and hear you mention my heart and its knowing of truth.   In teaching and coaching there are many demands and people thinking you should be doing things this way or that way. To hear you say that what I do is important, and is enough, really helped me to keep perspective.  Thank you, Laurene. – CH

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